Friday, August 12, 2011

Loving Postcards

I have a friend who sends me postcards. Beautiful postcards with beautiful handwriting on them. Any day that I receive a postcard from him is a good day.

Any day that I receive a postcard--period--is a good day.

In May I made the decision to delete my account on facebook. Ultimately, there were several factors influencing this decision, but a key motivation was that I wanted to be more intentional in the ways I communicate with the people who are most important to me. I don't know if leaving facebook has in fact affected the frequency with which I write emails, make phone calls, or send postcards (as opposed to simply posting facebook messages or updates). But it has forced me to at least be more aware of the level of intentionality that goes into each correspondence.

One thing, however, is certain: the wave of happiness that rushes over me when I hold a postcard from a friend in my hand, knowing that he held it in his hands and selected a picture that he knew I would like and wrote on the back of it in very personalized pen facebook message or wall post could ever come close to competing with that. Never ever ever.

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